5 Amazing How To Lose Hip Fat Hacks

How to lose hip fat

Have you always wanted to know “how to lose hip fat?” There is, however, hope for that; indeed, there is hope for losing weight anywhere. It is very simple; all it takes is self-discipline and knowledge of how to do it.

Everyone gains fat, some more than others, but the main factor is that we all gain fat in different places and different ways. There are many people in the same situation as you, but you are unique because you are acting by learning how to lose hip fat. You will no longer be embarrassed by your large hips.

Women are the most common gender who gain and have the most difficulty losing hip fat, and in this guide, we will delve deep into some methods for easily becoming successful in battling question of how to lose hip fat.

What causes hip fat?

  1. Lack of exercise

Whether you believe it or not, you can make yourself vulnerable to accumulating body fat that eventually spreads to your hips if you do not engage in any form of exercise such as running, walking, or even cycling.

  •  Inadequate nutrition

Not having a proper diet is one of the leading causes of almost all illnesses. Junk foods cause a lot of fat to be deposited in a person’s body in a short time, which leads to numerous diseases and a large amount of fat being deposited throughout the body, mostly in the belly and hips.

  •  Drinking too much alcohol

Because of alcohol, many people all over the world are unable to gain muscle or lose weight. More than three drinks per week can harm your overall health, causing not only liver damage but also hip fat.

  • Overweight

One of the most common causes of hip fat is being overweight or obese. This makes sense because if you have a lot of fat in your body, some of it will inevitably accumulate on your belly or hips.

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How to lose hip fat fast?

If you have fat hips and want to learn some effective ways to lose hip fat quickly, there are a few things you should know first.

  •  For starters, reducing fat on a single part of your body is impossible. This means you can’t lose fat from one part of your body while the rest of your body remains fat. Take note of your overall body fat percentage to answer the question of how to lose hip fat.
  •  If you want to lose weight around your hips, the second and most effective tip is to cut back on your calorie intake. For the first two weeks, try to cut 400 calories from your diet by eating one large meal only twice a day or breaking up many meals into small meals while keeping those 400 calories out.
  • The third tip for reducing hip fat is to follow the previous suggestions, but if you want to see results faster, you’ll need to exercise. Cardio exercises are the traditional method for reducing hip fat. I understand that cardio can become monotonous but incorporating interval training into your cardio routine can help you achieve a lot more. This entails doing cardio at a steady pace for a few minutes, then sprinting as fast as you can for 1 minute, and then returning to a steady pace for a few minutes. Simply repeat this workout technique for a total of 15 minutes to get a great workout while also increasing your metabolic rate (more calorie burning).
  • Fourth, after two weeks, reduce your calorie intake by another 200 calories per day and increase your cardio training time from 60 seconds to 90 seconds. You will notice a reduction in hip fat at the end of this. Reduce your calories by another 200 calories two weeks later and increase your interval speed from 90 seconds to 120 seconds.
  •  Finally, cardio exercises can include running, cycling, skipping, rowing, or using a stepper. It doesn’t matter which one you choose, or if you combine them all, if you stick to this plan for at least 6 weeks, your fat hips will vanish.

How to lose hip fat for a woman?

We determined the top three best exercises to lose hip fat for women and teenage girls after reading a large amount of research from Harvard Health Publications and the Mayo Clinic. The good news is that you don’t have to do as many sit-ups as you used to unless you want to. They won’t hurt you, and they’ll strengthen your abdominal muscles, but they won’t help you lose hip fat. 

Now for the list. The following are the best exercises to try.

  1.  jogging or walking

Isn’t this simple? According to a study conducted by researchers at Duke University Medical Center, those who exercised the equivalent of walking or jogging twelve miles per week gained no visceral fat, while those who exercised the equivalent of twenty miles per week lost both deep, visceral fat and subcutaneous fat.

  •  Weightlifting

This is something you can do at home. A University of Pennsylvania study discovered that overweight or obese women who received an hour of weight training twice a week reduced their body fat proportion by nearly 4% and were better at losing visceral fat than women who only received exercise tips. Consider doing dumbbell exercises that target your core muscles.

Holding one dumbbell with both hands over your head and then lowering it to the back of your neck and shoulder blades is one of our favorites. Then slowly return it to its original position above your head. While this exercise is designed to target the triceps, we love the long stretch it provides through the core.

  • Dancing

The combination of cardio and twisting and turning equals a fat-burning bonanza! Simply because it’s entertaining, we’ve added it to our list of favorites. This exercise does not have to be boring, and it can be done in the comfort of your own home.

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How to lose hip fat fast at home

Many people today have love handles; however, do not despair because there are many ways to lose hip fat without going to the gym. As summer approaches, I’m sure you’re interested in learning the best way to lose hip fat quickly at home.

Here are few examples that have been proven to work.

  1. Jogging/Walking

If you want to lose your love handles, it’s worth looking into and getting started. Working out has two main advantages: it burns more fat and tones up your muscles. You’ll look and feel great because of this! You will also gain some muscle mass, which will boost your metabolic rate. The more energy you burn, the faster your metabolic rate is. You will burn more fat if you expend more energy.

Strength training’s ability to help burn fat is undeniable, and it’s one of the most effective ways to lose hip fat available.

  • Jump Rope

If you want to know how to lose hip fat, start jumping rope. This is a low-cost and highly effective way to lose hip fat. Ropes can be purchased almost anywhere, and this exercise can be performed anywhere. Just 10 minutes a day, three times a week, will significantly improve your health markers and help you lose hip fat.

  • Eat Less

These hip-fat-loss methods are both enjoyable and challenging. Please use them for a few months to see how far you’ve progressed. If you want to lose even more hip fat after this period, simply reduce your calorie intake and increase your exercise.

The most important tip I can give you for losing hip fat, or any fat, is to eat less. This means that your body burns more calories than it consumes regularly. You will be losing weight because of this.

The most common concern for most people is the fear of hunger that they will experience if they eat less. Because our bodies adapt quickly, the best approach is to gradually reduce portion sizes. Your body will adapt to the new food levels because of this. Protein is the best type of food for keeping you fuller for longer, so eat plenty of it.


Preventing fat percentage storage in your stomach isn’t as difficult as people make it out to be. You should attack hip fat the same way you attack any other type of body fat. A low-carbohydrate diet, metabolic resistance training, and interval training are all required. This three-pronged weight-loss strategy is extremely effective in both men and women.

Do not believe that to lose hip fat, you must spend long hours working on your hips. To get in great shape, you must understand that you must lose body fat throughout your entire body. If you are looking for answers to the question of how to lose hip fat, then following the methods listed above can help you achieve your goal.

DISCLAIMER: This is educational content and should not be used in place of professional medical advice. We recommend that you consult with your primary care physician to obtain professional advice on the diet and type of exercises to effectively eliminate hip fat

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